utorok 25. novembra 2008

Scrap X-mas Mania Collab Freebie

O nejaký ten deň (18.1.) oslávi Scrapmania prvý rok..Myslím, že Hawra a ani Lara zo začiatku netušili, že z ich prvoplánového forumového „projektu“ sa vykľuje taká bomba ;-). Skvelé fórum so skvelými „obyvateľmi – príjemné „útočisko“ pre dni všedné, ale aj tie výnimočné...to je Scrapmania dnes. Stretla sa tam pestrá „banda“, ktorá sa každým dňom rozrastá (aj o členov úúúplne najmenších ;-) a vďaka vzájomnej pomoci sa rodia skvelí noví a talentovaní scraperi a dokonca aj dizajnéri. Som veľmi rada, že tam „patrím“ tiež.

In a couple of days (on January 18th, 2009) Scrapmania is going to celebrate its first year. I think neither Hawra nor Lara have thought that their first planned forum „project“ to be is going to be taken into such a fancy ;-). An excellent forum with marvellous „residents“ – a nice „place“ not only for the ordinary days but for the extraordinary ones too… this is Scrapmania today. A mixed „band“ of various members, which is getting bigger each day (even of the really little ones ;-) ) has met there and thanks to the great mutual help brand new excellent and talented scrappers and even the designers are being born. I am really glad I belong there too.

A keďže sú Vianoce už za dverami, tak sme sa pri tejto príležitosti rozhodli pre Vás vytvoriť skvelý vianočný kit „Scrap-Xmas-mania collab“. Zapojil sa každý, komu to čas čo len trošku dovolil. Odhodlali sa nováčikovia a čas si našli aj „naši“ predávajúci dizajnéri a prispeli tak svojou troškou k tejto nádhere! Takže rozhodne sa máte na čo tešiť! Stačí keď si pozriete tento náhľad a som presvedčená, že sa už nebudete vedieť dočkať, až si tento darček „rozbalíte“ celý a pustíte sa do scrapovania ;-).

Because the Christmas time is coming soon we have decided to create an amazing Christmas kit „Scrap-Xmas-mania collab“ for you. Everyone who had a bit of time has participated. The new designers found the courage, „our“ selling designers found a bit of time and they have all worked together on this beauty! So you all should look forward to it! Just look at this preview and I can bet that you would not like to wait till you will be able to „unwrap“ this gift and start scrapping ;-).

Tak už Vás nebudem dlhšie zdržiavať..snáď len krátke „pravidlá“, a síce: začína sa na Hawrinom blogu, kde si stiahnete jej časť collabu. Pod jej náhľadom (preview) nájdete link na ďalšiu časť, t.j. blog ďalšej zúčastnenej dizajnérky...u nej bude link na ďalšiu časť...atď. A aby ste si boli istí, že ste si stiahli všetky časti, od poslednej dizajnérky sa vrátite opäť na Hawrin blog ;-). Ešte snáď len – každý milý komentár nám urobí veľkú radosť – bude to ocenenie za našu snahu a budeme vedieť, že naša práca urobila radosť ;-). Ďakujeme! A teraz už

So I am not going to waste any more of your time.. just some more little „rules“: the download starts on Hawra's blog where you can get her part of this collab. Beneath her preview you will find a link to another part of the collab, by this I mean you will find there a link to a blog of other our designer where you can get the second part.. and on her/his blog there will be another link.. etc. And to be sure you have downloaded all the parts of the collab, you will get back to Hawra's blog at the end again ;-). Just one more thing – every little comment from you will make us extremely happy – to know that our work and ambition made someone happy ;-). Thanks! And now just


Tu je moja časť collabu

Here is my part of the collab

download link

Heslo/Password: collabjennysky

Pre získanie ďalšej časti – klik SEM

To get another part of this collab – click HERE

A na záver ešte „krátke“ titulky všetkých zúčastnených a ukážka skvelých LO-čiek, ktoré sú vytvorené z nášho spoločného kitu ;-)

And at the end a „little“ subtitles of all the participated designers and the LO previews scrapped of our collab ;-)

Lara aka Lara’s Digi World, Hawra, Palvinka, XenaKM, Kattom, Pavlita, Klapinka, Jenny sky, Zuska aka Julova, Erika aka E.T. Design, Malina Design, Design by Tina, Mag, Evercila Design, ZuzanaR, Janett


everything is from our amazing Scrap - Xmas - Mania collab kit


Bohužiaľ, naša hlavná spoluautorka projektu "Scrap-Xmas-mania collab" Lara aka Lara's digi world je dlhodobo indisponovaná, ale z toho najkrajšieho dôvodu - čaká totiž svoje prvé bábätko ;-). Všetci sa jej touto cestou chceme poďakovať za úžasný nápad a pomoc pri realizácii celého projektu. Jej freebie bude pridané dodatočne a máte sa skutočne na čo tešiť :-).

Unfortunately, the main co-author of the project "Scrap-Xmas-mania collab" Lara aka Lara's digi world is long-termly "out of order". However, the reason is as nice as possible, because she´s expecting her first child ;-). All of us would like to thank her for this idea and help with this project. Her freebie will be added later, but it is going to be worth waiting a little bit.

sobota 22. novembra 2008

LO from the Artemia kit

Yes, I'm here with the LO from the Artemia kit. I love this kit and the whole idea around it.
Here it is. I used there two my favourite pics of my children from last year:


13 Designers @ After 5 Designs

everything from the collaboration kit

streda 19. novembra 2008

I'm so bad blogger :-( Unfortunately the time is running so quickly. Why the day doesn't have more hours?

Anyway, what I wanted to say is, that maybe all of you know about the new collaboration kit for Artemia. It is a great idea to help a friend this way and I hope it will little bit help Artemia.
You can find all the information and the kit at After Five Designs.

Here is the preview:

I also bought the kit and will upload my page from it soon. I hope so :-)

štvrtok 2. októbra 2008

Tangie Baxter Birthday Celebration

Tangie Baxter oslavuje svoje prvé narodeniny svojho shopu! Od 1. do 4. októbra prebieha narodeninová párty. Počas párty si môžte stiahnuť krásny kit, takže nepremeškajte! Pre viac info kliknite na obrázok.

Tangie Baxter is celebrating her first birthday of her shop! From 1st to 4th of October there is a birrhtday party! During the party you can download a gret kit, so don't miss it! For more info click on the preview.

Tu je náhľad kitu a moje ločko z neho/ Here is the kit preview and my page from it:

Enjoy the celebration!

utorok 9. septembra 2008

New LOs

Keďže som už dlhšie nepridala moje ločka, tak teraz ich pridám trošku hromadnejšie. Preto nebudem písať ku každému kredit, ale po kliknutí na ločko sa dostanete rovno do galérie s kreditom. Vďaka za pochopenie :-)

As it's a long time I haven't added my LOs to my blog, I will add them all together. That's why I'm not giving credit to every LO, but the pages are linked, so by clicking on the LO you will get to the gallery with the credit. Thanks for understanding :-)

utorok 2. septembra 2008


Tak dnes sa chcem pochváliť, že som získala ocenenia blogu. Úprimne som bola potešená a zároveň aj prekvapená, lebo v poslednej dobe blog trošku zanedbávam.
Today I would like to boast that my blog was awarded. Honestly I was really pleased and surprised, because I neglected my blog in the recent time .

Takže moje veľké poďakovanie patrí MirkeK a Zuske za ocenenie
So I would like to express my thanks to MirkaK and Zuska for the Award

a Darhene za ocenenie Brillante Weblog Premio - 2008
and to Darhena for the Award Brillante Weblog Premio - 2008

A teraz je na mne, aby som nominovala svojich favoritov. Takže pekne postupne.
So now it is my turn to nominate my favourites. So here we go.

Najprv I love your blog/Firstly I love your blog:

Tu sú podmienky:
1. Víťaz si môže dať logo na svoj blog.
2. Na blogu označte osobu, od ktorej ste získali ocenenie spolu s linkom na jeho blog.
3. Nominujte ďalších aspoň 7 blogov.
4. Dajte na svoj blog linky na tieto blogy.
5. Nechajte odkaz na blogoch tých, ktorých ste nominovali.

And here are the rules of the award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated.

A teraz ocenenie Brillante Weblog Premio-2008/
And now the Award Brillante Weblog Premio-2008:

Tu sú podmienky:
1. Víťaz si môže dať logo na svoj blog.
2. Na blogu označte osobu, od ktorej ste získali ocenenie spolu s linkom na jeho blog.
3. Nominujte ďalších aspoň 7 blogov.
4. Dajte na svoj blog linky na tieto blogy.
5. Nechajte odkaz na blogoch tých, ktorých ste nominovali.

These are the rules
1.The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.

Tu sú moji favoriti/ Here are my nominations:

piatok 22. augusta 2008

Scraplift challenge

Dnes hosťujem svoju prvú výzvu u Tangie Baxter.

Ide o scraplift challenge.
1. Navštívte Creative Taem Superstars Gallery a vyberte si ločko a liftnite ho.
2. Ločko dajte do akejkoľvek galérie. Ak použijete produkty od Tangie Baxter, budem rada, ak ich dáte aj to Tangie's gallery. Ale jej produkty nie sú pomienkou.
3. Vráťte sa na blog a do komentov dajte link na ločko ako aj link na ločko, ktoré ste liftovali.

Výzva beží do štvrtka 28. augusta a môžte vyhrať $10 GC do obchodu Tangie Baxter.

Navštívte blog, kde sú ukážky ločiek členov CT tímu.


Today I'm hosting a challenge at the Loft, the creative team blog of Tangie Baxter.

I've decided for a scraplift challenge. The Creative Taem Superstars Gallery is full of wonderful layouts and I'm sure you will find there an inspiration to the challenge.
So what you have to do:

1. Visit the Creative Taem Superstars Gallery and pick up a LO and scraplift it.
2. Upload your LO to a gallery of your choice. If you use anything from Tangie Baxter's store we'd love for you to upload it to Tangie's gallery ! Of course we'd love to see you use products from Tangies store, however it is not required.
3. Come back on the blog and put a link to your LO in the comments. Please, don't forget to link also the LO you scraplifted!

Upload your lo's by Thursday, August 28th and you may win a $10 gift certificate to Tangie's store.

Here are some examples from the creative team. First is the original and second is the lift.

Please, visit the blog, where you can find also examples from the CT members.

utorok 12. augusta 2008

Collaboration kit for charity reasons

Dnes mám jednu informáciu o úžasnom kite pod názvom For You, ktorý vytvorili české dizajnérky pre kamarátku, ktorá stratila manžela a zostala sama s 3 malými deťmi. Kit si môžete kúpiť v Baby-Café eshope buď českých korunách, alebo cez paypal v dolároch.

Vkladám pôvodné znenie textu, ktorý je pripojený ku kitu a jeho náhľad:

Lidský život je jako houpačka. Taková ta kláda, jak je uprostřed špalek a my sedíme na jednom konci.

Na tom druhém poskakuje škodolibý neposeda osud a snaží se s námi pořádně zalomcovat.

jsou tu ale naštěstí ještě pořád lidé, naši přátelé a známí, kteří stojí na naší straně a snaží se s námi balancovat, vyrovnat hopkání osudu. Můžou to být jen maličkosti, milé slovo, usměvavá rada, pohlazení po duši, upřímnost a tolerance s jakou s námi naši přátelé jednají. A nemusíme se ani znát osobně. Jedním z vyrovnávačů mnoha mnoha lidských houpaček, je právě Lucka73. A nespravedlivý svět se jí odvděčil, osud si s ní ošklivě pohrál, vzal jí milovaného manžela a nechal ji samotnou se třemi dětmi, přičemž dvojčatům nebyl ani rok.

Proto Vás vyzýváme:

Pojdte spojit příjemné s užitečným. Kupte si limitovanou edici - kit For You, vyrobený speciálně pro Lucku73 týmem spojeným ze šestice českých designerských stájí a jehož výtěžek jí bude celý předán.

Užijte si zábavu za příjemnou cenu a .... pomožte vyvážit Lucčinu houpačku. Peníze nic nevyřeší. Ale s penězi bude o starost méně.

Záštita a původní myšlenka: skvělý tým Bohemian Art S BA

Spolupracovali: Radmila LittleDeer, Aprilmouse and Hanulienka, PST Design, Natali Design, Design by Schaarka

Today I have an information about a gorgeous kit called For You, that was created by the Czech designers for a friend, who recently lost her beloved husband and she stayed alone with 3 little children. You can buy the kit at Baby-café eshop via paypal.

Here is the original text, that is connected with the kit and above are the previews:

Living our lives is like rocking on the seesaw. You know, that beam with the log in the middle and we are sitting on the one side. On the other there is malicious restless fate hopping and trying to rock hardly with us. Fortunately there are people - our friends - on our side of the seesaw who help us balance the rocking of the fate. That can be little thing, kind word, riant advice, stroking of soul, sincerity and toleration our friends give to us. Not even we need to know each other personally. One of these who help us to balance seesaws of our lives is Lucka73. Unfair world repaid her by taking her loved husband away and let her alone with three children, the twins not one year old yet.

Therefore we appeal to you -- Let's combine pleasant and useful. Buy the limited edition -- kit For You prepared in cooperation of six Czech designer teams especially for Lucka73. Gains are going to be hand over to her. Enjoy the fun for good price and... help balance the seesaw of Lucka73. The money does not solve the problem. But there will be one worry less.

Patronage and original idea -- great team of Bohemian Art. In cooperation with: Radmila LittleDeer, Aprilmouse and Hanulienka, PST Design, Natali Design, Design by Schaarka

A na záver moje LO-čko z uvedeného kitu/And at the end my LO from this kit:


everything from a **NEW** limited edition collaboration kit called For you
by April & Hanulienka, Bohemian Art, Natali Design, PST Design, Radmila Litlledeer and Design by Schaarka

štvrtok 24. júla 2008

New Sunshine Girls

Sunshine girls majú 11 nových dizajnérov vo svojom shope. Sú naozaj super.
Sunshine girls have 11 new designers in their shop. They are really great.

Tu sú nové mená/Here are their names:

Amy Sumrall
Beckie Wallace
Cinzia Loosemore
Claudi Designs
Denise Liemert
Greedz’s Graphics
Kiki Halbert
Mimi’s digi-Scraps
Sherri Tierney
Stephanie Ogren

Ja som mala možnosť pracovať s krásnym kitom My journey od Cinzia Loosemore.
I had a chance to work with a wonderful kit My journey by Cinzia Loosemore.

Tu sú moje 2 LO-čka z neho/Here are my LOs from it:



Cinzia Loosemore (A new sunshine girl)
everything from the My Journey Bundle


Cinzia Loosemore (A new sunshine girl)
everything from the My Journey Bundle

utorok 1. júla 2008

ATC emporium by Tangie Baxter

Tangie Baxter otvorila v svojom shope novú sekciu pod názvom ATC emporium, kde predáva produkty na tvorbu ATC, čiže Artist Trading Cards. Viac info priamo v ATC emporium. Dočítate sa tam aj čo to ATC sú a aké sú podmienky na ich tvorbu.

Tangie Baxter opened in her shop a new section called ATC emprium, where are the products for creating ATC, Artist Trading Cards. More information directly in the ATC emporium. You will learn there what are ATC and what are the requirements for their creation.

Here are my ATC:
Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium
fairy, wordart, blossom, flourishleaf from Fairy Grace

butterflies from Baby oh baby

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium

I believe

Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

flower, I believe from Fairy Grace
fairy from Fairy Queens
diamond from Merrie Birdie

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
wings from REQUISITES Wings

paper, bird from Oriental trading
lady, flowerbranch from Youth's companion

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium
photos from Blissful Love
heart from Cheerful Hearts
flowers, leaves from Fairy Grace

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
butterfly from REQUISITES Wings
rosepetals, heart from REQUISITES I
crown from REQUISITES Royalty

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Enjoy walking

Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

fairy from Fairy Queens
alpha from Junque Drawer Alpha

background from Scene setters no. 1
boots from Boot me up

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

staples from Giddeeeup Cowboy
feather from Merrie Birdie

paper, photo, butterflies, wings, babystamp, gem from
Artist Trading Card collection Baby oh baby

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
clockface, reddomino, rosepetals, hearts, key, safetypin, leaf, metal, locket, gildlady from

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium

piatok 27. júna 2008

Darhena CT Member

Nedávno som sa stala členom CT teamu Darheny. Je to veľmi talentovaná dizajnérka a som veľmi rada, že môžem robiť z jej krásnych kitov. Teraz má práve problém so shopom, kde predávala, lebo je momentálne zavretý a hľadá si nový, takže sa momentálne jej kity nedajú kúpiť.
Ale jej blog stále funguje :-)

Recently I became a CT member by Darhena. It is a very talented designer and I am really proud to work with her awesome kit. Just now she has a problem with the shop, where she offered her products, because it is closed now and she is looking for a new one, so just now you cannot buy her kits. But her blog is working :-)

Here are my LOs from her kits:

Little sailor

RAK for my friend Mirka


everything from the NEW kit Spirit of the sea

In the water kingdom


everything from the NEW kit Spirit of the sea

Wedding memory


everything from the kit Wedding day

Little gardener

everything from the Rustic kit


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