štvrtok 24. júla 2008

New Sunshine Girls

Sunshine girls majú 11 nových dizajnérov vo svojom shope. Sú naozaj super.
Sunshine girls have 11 new designers in their shop. They are really great.

Tu sú nové mená/Here are their names:

Amy Sumrall
Beckie Wallace
Cinzia Loosemore
Claudi Designs
Denise Liemert
Greedz’s Graphics
Kiki Halbert
Mimi’s digi-Scraps
Sherri Tierney
Stephanie Ogren

Ja som mala možnosť pracovať s krásnym kitom My journey od Cinzia Loosemore.
I had a chance to work with a wonderful kit My journey by Cinzia Loosemore.

Tu sú moje 2 LO-čka z neho/Here are my LOs from it:



Cinzia Loosemore (A new sunshine girl)
everything from the My Journey Bundle


Cinzia Loosemore (A new sunshine girl)
everything from the My Journey Bundle

utorok 1. júla 2008

ATC emporium by Tangie Baxter

Tangie Baxter otvorila v svojom shope novú sekciu pod názvom ATC emporium, kde predáva produkty na tvorbu ATC, čiže Artist Trading Cards. Viac info priamo v ATC emporium. Dočítate sa tam aj čo to ATC sú a aké sú podmienky na ich tvorbu.

Tangie Baxter opened in her shop a new section called ATC emprium, where are the products for creating ATC, Artist Trading Cards. More information directly in the ATC emporium. You will learn there what are ATC and what are the requirements for their creation.

Here are my ATC:
Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium
fairy, wordart, blossom, flourishleaf from Fairy Grace

butterflies from Baby oh baby

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium

I believe

Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

flower, I believe from Fairy Grace
fairy from Fairy Queens
diamond from Merrie Birdie

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
wings from REQUISITES Wings

paper, bird from Oriental trading
lady, flowerbranch from Youth's companion

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium
photos from Blissful Love
heart from Cheerful Hearts
flowers, leaves from Fairy Grace

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
butterfly from REQUISITES Wings
rosepetals, heart from REQUISITES I
crown from REQUISITES Royalty

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Enjoy walking

Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

fairy from Fairy Queens
alpha from Junque Drawer Alpha

background from Scene setters no. 1
boots from Boot me up

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


Tangie Baxter Designs

ATC Emporium

staples from Giddeeeup Cowboy
feather from Merrie Birdie

paper, photo, butterflies, wings, babystamp, gem from
Artist Trading Card collection Baby oh baby

Tangie Baxter & sherriejd
clockface, reddomino, rosepetals, hearts, key, safetypin, leaf, metal, locket, gildlady from

everything available at
Tangie Baxter Designs - ATC Emporium


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