Majú spoločný blog, kde sú informácie o Sunshine Girls a prebiehajú tam challenges. Pri príležitosti spustenia spolupráce vytvorili spoločný kit pod názvom Walking on Sunshine a práve s neho som vytvorila 2 LO, ktoré dnes prikladám.
Spomenutý kit Walking on Sunshine obsahuje 80 papierov a viac ako 280 elementov. Je možné ho kúpiť u Sunshine Girls, viac info na ich
They have their own blog, where you can find information about Sunshine Girls and their challanges. They created their common collaboriation kit called Walking on Sunshine and from this kit I created 2 LOs, that I add today. The mentioned kit Walking on Sunshine includes 80 papers and over 280 elements. It is available by Sunshine Girls, more inforamtion on their blog blog.
Tu je náhľad na kit/Here is the kit preview:
Tu sú moje 2 LO z tohto kitu/Here are 2 LOs from this kit:

Sunshine Studio Scraps @
everything from Walking On Sunshine MEGA Collab Collection
Sunshine Studio Scraps @
everything from Walking On Sunshine MEGA Collab Collection

Sunshine Studio Scraps @
everything from Walking On Sunshine MEGA Collab Collection
Sunshine Studio Scraps @
everything from Walking On Sunshine MEGA Collab Collection
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