piatok 29. februára 2008

Special love

Dnes ma zaujal mini kit od Jeannette Gaidecki, tak som vytvorila nasledujúce LO.

Today I found interesting a mini kit from Jeannette Gaidecki, so I created the following LO.


Jeannette Gaidecki - Jeann G Design
paper, frame and crystal heart from Sugar in heaven free designer sampler kit

swirls from Glitter swirls kit

doodle from Horizon kit

Kris Myers
floral stick from Antique floral stick pins

diamond and silver doodle from Just for you kit

plates from Sandstone kit

Rubby Rynne
butterfly from Charmrose kit

štvrtok 28. februára 2008


Dnes sa len chcem pochváliť, že som so svojim LO z Trash to Treasure huntingu vyhrala v New 2 You Challenge jednu z cien od Ruby Rynne :-)

Today I just want to tell you, that I won with my LO from Trash to Treasure hunting one prize from Ruby Rynne :-)

utorok 26. februára 2008

Trash to treasuer LO - Beauty

Vytvorila som LO z Trash to treasure huntingu, tak ho pridávam aj sem.

I have created LO from Trash to treasure hunting, so here it is.


Betsy Tuma - papers
Vanessa-blushbutter - frame, card, swirl, flower
Heather Manning - wordart
BrokenJar Creations - seal, swirl
Beth Bishop - rose
Dawn Wilson - ribbon
Lliella - flower
Kathryn Estry - charms
Liz-Sweet Digi Scraps - flower
Jody Smith - flower borders
Kris Myers - stickpins
Liz Pike - tie
The Twisted sisters - flower

pondelok 25. februára 2008


Tie overlays od Adeyeo mi nedali pokoj, tak som vyrobila ešte jedno LO s nimi.
Inak som celý víkend strávila hľadaním freebies v Trash to Treasure Digi-HUNT. No bola to sranda, ale zabila som tým 2 dni :-)

I like the overlays from Adeyeo so much, that I've created another LO with them.
And the whole weekend I spent hunting freebies in Trash to Treasure Digi-HUNT. It was real fun, but I spent 2 days on it :-)


paper BeMine


Lisa (Lg perspectives)

piatok 22. februára 2008

Spiaci anjelik/Sleeping angel

Dnes pridávam 3 LO nášho spiaceho anjelika. Posledné je QP s overlays, ktoré som dnes našla a je krásne, veď posúďte sami.

Today I add 3 LO of our sleeping angel. The last is a QP with overlays, which I found today and it's gorgeous, so have a look.

Kim B's designs
paper, frame, flowers, bows from The blues kit

Lisa's scrapbook (www.lisa-2006-lisa.blogspot.com)
doodles from Sweet dreams kit

Mrs. Miles
moon from the element kit You hung the moon and stars

MDSRubia (mydigistyle)
paper, fairy, butterfly from Celebr8 kit

frame from HappyBDay kit

Park Avenue BP


štvrtok 21. februára 2008


Nedávno ma zaujal kit od Lindy Walton (bonscrapatit) a urobila som jedno LO-čko.

Lately I find interesting kit Floral Frenzy from Linda Walton (bonscrapatit), so I created this LO.

Linda Walton (bonscrapatit)
paper and all elements from Floral Frenzy kit


Tak som sa aj ja rozhodla založiť svoj vlastný blog.
Na začiatok pridávam scrapík venovaný mojim dvom malým anjelikom :-)

So I have decided to create my own blog.
For beginning I add one scrap dedicated to my two little angels :-)


paper, frame, elements (besides angel, leaves and ribbon) from Memory kit

Pelzbärchen’s Scrapblog
angel from Angel kit

Pam Lefors
leaves from Dreaming of blue kit

ribbon from Moss kit

Bethany Harty


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