pondelok 31. marca 2008

Silver dream and Fairy dream

Dnes pridávam dve LO z úžasného spoločného kitu Madame Mim a Milla Design pod názvom Enchanted Forest. Je naozaj neskutočný a tak som urobila hneď dve LO.

Today I add 2 LOs from a amazing Collaboration kit of Madame Mim and Milla Design called Enchanted Forest Collab Kit. The kit is really incredible, so I have created 2 LOs.

Silver dream


Milla Design and Madame Mim
everything from Enchanted Forest Collab Kit

Fairy dream


Milla Design and Madame Mim
everything from Enchanted Forest Collab Kit

Dawn Vander Stoep - createwings designs
moss included as a gift in the Enchanted Forest Collab Kit

nedeľa 30. marca 2008

MKDesigns CT Guest member

Stala som CT Guest členom MKDesigns na mesiace apríl a máj. Mala som možnosť pracovať s úžasným kitom pod názvom First sunrays a je naozaj úžasný s krásnymi jarnými farbami a kvetinkami. Môžte navštíviť blog MKDesigns, kde sú ukážky nových kitov, ktoré sa budú predávať v shope. Od 1. apríla 2008 bude možné si kity kúpiť v shope MKDesigns.

I have become a CT Guest memeber of MKDesigns for April and May. I have had the chance to work with a great kit called First Sunrays with great spring colours and flowers. You can visit blog MKDesigns, where are shown new kits, which will be availabe in the shop. From 1st of April 2008 you can buy the kits in the shop MKDesigns.

Tu sú 3 LO z kitu First sunrays/Here are 3 LOs from the kit First sunrays:


MKDesign - mk-designs @ mkdesigns.1a-shops.eu
everything from First sunrays kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wordart Spring


MKDesign - mk-designs @ mkdesigns.1a-shops.eu
everything from First sunrays kit


MKDesigns @ mkdesigns.1a-shops.eu
everything from First sunrays kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wordart Heavens existence

štvrtok 27. marca 2008


Jar nám už klope na dvere a úprimne sa na ňu už veľmi teším. Aj keď sme si sneh túto zimu vôbec neužili, jar je pre mňa najkrajšie obdobie roka. Takže som sa nechala inšpirovať prichádzajúcim jarným obdobím a vytvorila nasledovné LO-čka. Jedno je trošku rozprávkové.

Spring is on its way and honestly I am really looking forward it. The truth is, that this winter we didn't have any snow, but spring is for me the most beautiful part of the year. So I was inspired by the spring season and created following LOs. One is like from a fairy-tale.


Natali Design
everything from Spring garden kit

Boo Silva (BooLandDesigns)
big yellow flower from Easter Parade kit


Designz by Kristi
Hydrangea and wrap from Easter freebie

doodles from Strass doodles II

Jofia Devoe Designs
swirls from Swirltherapy

mgl Scraps - Mónica Guerra Leiria
stitches from Sunshine Sweets freebie kit

Sunshine Studio Scraps
gems from The New Sunshine Studio Scraps Blog Freebie

Boo Silva (BooLandDesigns)
butterfly, hang element and small flowers from Blossoms kit

bow from Volutes kit


Princess Sophie (P.S!) Design
paper, charm, dust, branch, tree, bow, frog, crown and wands from Srappin Hood kit

Dinphy Severijnen
chains from StarNight kit

Jofia Davoe Designs
butterfly swirl from EphemeralsII
rain from Diamond rain

Jill Burnett

Yardbunny (http://www.yardbunny.blogspot.com)
butterflies, flowers, charm and birds from Me-mee's Butterfly Garden Kit

fairy from celebr8 kit

Natali Design
bird from Spring garden kit

fairy in the rose from Fairy folk kit

streda 26. marca 2008

After Easter

A máme po Veľkej noci. Pri tej príležitosti som urobila LO-čko s fotkami z Veľkej noci. Detičky si to naozaj užívali.

And Easter has gone. I have created an LO with photos from Easter. My children really enjoyed the time.


O.N. Designs
everything from Kit No. 15

utorok 18. marca 2008

Happy Easter

Keďže Veľká noc nám klope na dvere, tak želám všetkým mojim návštevníkom veselé Veľkonočné sviatky!
Pripájam 2 LO z jedného úžasného kitu, viď kredit.

As the Easter is knocking at our doors, I would like to wish all of you Happy easter!
I add 2 more LO from one great kit, look at the credit.


O.N. Designs
everything from Kit No. 15


O.N. Designs
everything except butterflies from Kit No. 15

Jofia Davoe Designs
butterfly swirl from EphemeralsII kit

Sweet and special Little princess

Dnes 2 LO našej malej princezničky, ktorá je nevyčerpateľnou inšpiráciou na moje LO.

Today 2 LOs of our little princess, that is my great inspiration for my LOs.


Dale Ann Cubbage/DC Designs
all except sparkles from Pleasures mini kit

sparkles from Strass doodles II

Vladimir script


Elizabeth Jenkins
overlay, stitched vine, frame, charm bracelet from It's all about the elements

Ana Amorim
ribbon from Crush of ribbons

Amanda Roberts Dykan
metal flowers from The way you look tonight

Lydia Kurniawati - Silversword71 Digital Creations
metalelement from Lolovivi

Windgefluesters Design
paper from In heaven paper pack

doodles from Strass doodles II

Kris Myers
stickpin from Antique floral stickpins

plates from Sandstone kit

sobota 15. marca 2008

Remembering spring 2007

Dnes pridávam 2 LO, prvé je spomienka na jar minulého roku a druhé ako spomienka na anjelika, ktorý prišiel do nášho života po Veľkej noci 2007.

Today I add 2 LOs, the first one is to remember the last spring and the second one is to remember the little angel, who came to our lives after Easter 2007.


Boo Silva (BooLandDesigns)
everything from Easter Parade kit

Special thanks to Boo Silva,
who gave me generously this kit to play with.


Windgefluesters Design
paper from In heaven paper pack
Special thanks to Windgegluesters Design,
who gave me generously this paper pack to play with.

doodles from Strass doodles II
diamond from Just for you kit
flower from Happy Holidays kit
Special thanks to NewlifeDreams,
who gave me generously Strass doodles II to play with.

Jofia Devoe Designs
rain from Diamond rain
swirls from Swirltherapy

frame from Ententiky kit

Beckmoore Designs
bow and clip from Spring flower's

Raspberry Road Designs
heart from Baillys Room Elements

Graphic Jam - Yasmin Milligan
gems from Diamonds & Gems kit

streda 12. marca 2008

Midnight angel

Dnešné LO som robila v noci, tak je také nočné :-)

Today's LO was created during the night, so it's little bit dark :-)


Eva Kipler - EvaK Designs
paper from Little black dress paper pack

Jofia Devoe Designs
rain and clouds from Diamond rain kit
butterfly swirl and wings from EphemeralsII kit

doodles and glitter from HappyHoliday kit
diamond, glitter, flower from Just for you kit

Susan Fallow -SF Scraps
frame from Heart frames

white flowers from Sweet and sour kit
element from Blue kiss kit

Anneli Andersson - Happyscrappy
reflector charms from See me

petit moineaux
ribbon and spirale from Love boy kit

Barb Derksen
moon from December Birthday Cupcake Element

Sylvie Scrapbook
doodle from Printemps kit

sobota 8. marca 2008


Ešte jedno LO z krásneho kitu od Schaarky :-)

And one more LO from a wonderful kit from Shaarka :-)


everything besides plate and star glitter from BabyBoy kit

plate from Sandstone kit

star glitters from deco glitters

Glitter dream

Dnes niečo veľmi trblietavé a zasnívané :-)

Today a dreaming LO full of glitters :-)


Kari Hentzelt
paper from GardenShed kit

Shauna - Pineapple Plantation Designs

Jeanette Bollinger
crystals and roses from Pappilon kit

Ruby Ryne
flourish from Wintertale kit

Heather Manning
doodle from ItsABloom kit

DeDe Smith (Designs by DeDe)
frame from berryperfect kit

glitters from deco glitters

Graphic Jam - Yasmin Milligan
gems from Diamonds & Gems kit

bow and flowers from Les Papot kit

butterfly and ribbon from Just for you kit

utorok 4. marca 2008

Moji anjelici/My angels

Dnes pridávam dve LO z jedného kitu, ktorý je úžasný :-)

Today I add two LOs from one kit, that is amazing :-)


Bohemian Art
everything from Together kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wording Adventure


Bohemian Art
everything from Together kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wording Noise with dirt


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