nedeľa 30. marca 2008

MKDesigns CT Guest member

Stala som CT Guest členom MKDesigns na mesiace apríl a máj. Mala som možnosť pracovať s úžasným kitom pod názvom First sunrays a je naozaj úžasný s krásnymi jarnými farbami a kvetinkami. Môžte navštíviť blog MKDesigns, kde sú ukážky nových kitov, ktoré sa budú predávať v shope. Od 1. apríla 2008 bude možné si kity kúpiť v shope MKDesigns.

I have become a CT Guest memeber of MKDesigns for April and May. I have had the chance to work with a great kit called First Sunrays with great spring colours and flowers. You can visit blog MKDesigns, where are shown new kits, which will be availabe in the shop. From 1st of April 2008 you can buy the kits in the shop MKDesigns.

Tu sú 3 LO z kitu First sunrays/Here are 3 LOs from the kit First sunrays:


MKDesign - mk-designs @
everything from First sunrays kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wordart Spring


MKDesign - mk-designs @
everything from First sunrays kit


MKDesigns @
everything from First sunrays kit

Elegant WordArt by Bethany
wordart Heavens existence

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