Today I would like to boast that my blog was awarded. Honestly I was really pleased and surprised, because I neglected my blog in the recent time .
Takže moje veľké poďakovanie patrí MirkeK a Zuske za ocenenie
So I would like to express my thanks to MirkaK and Zuska for the Award
a Darhene za ocenenie Brillante Weblog Premio - 2008
and to Darhena for the Award Brillante Weblog Premio - 2008
A teraz je na mne, aby som nominovala svojich favoritov. Takže pekne postupne.
So now it is my turn to nominate my favourites. So here we go.
Najprv I love your blog/Firstly I love your blog:
1. Víťaz si môže dať logo na svoj blog.
2. Na blogu označte osobu, od ktorej ste získali ocenenie spolu s linkom na jeho blog.
3. Nominujte ďalších aspoň 7 blogov.
4. Dajte na svoj blog linky na tieto blogy.
5. Nechajte odkaz na blogoch tých, ktorých ste nominovali.
And here are the rules of the award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated.
Tu sú moji favoriti/ Here are my nominations:
Lara's Digi World
Aprilmouse and Hanulienka
Lara's Digi World
Aprilmouse and Hanulienka
A teraz ocenenie Brillante Weblog Premio-2008/
And now the Award Brillante Weblog Premio-2008:
And now the Award Brillante Weblog Premio-2008:
Tu sú podmienky:
1. Víťaz si môže dať logo na svoj blog.
2. Na blogu označte osobu, od ktorej ste získali ocenenie spolu s linkom na jeho blog.
3. Nominujte ďalších aspoň 7 blogov.
4. Dajte na svoj blog linky na tieto blogy.
5. Nechajte odkaz na blogoch tých, ktorých ste nominovali.
These are the rules
1.The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.
Tu sú moji favoriti/ Here are my nominations:
4 komentáre:
Jenny, dakujem Ti velmi pekne..Tuto cenu od Teba si nevazim o nic menej ako tu, ktoru som dostala od Lary. Som velmi rada, ze sa Ti moj blog paci natolko, ze si ma taktiez nominovala. Este raz VELKA vdaka! :-)
Hoho Jenny, OBROVSKÉ ĎAKUJEM, no teeeda, som strašne rada!!!!
Awwww Jenny, you are TOO sweet to bestow such a BRILLANTE award to me!
I am SO far behind and I have several awards to post and say "thank you" for and I may just have to go ahead and post them without passing them on right away!
Thank you sweetie and it's been a while since I've visited with you and GOSH girl, your layouts are GORGEOUS!!!
Linda :)
Jeeeee Jenny, děkuji mockrát, udělala jsi mi radost!!!!! díky díky díky a ty jsi dostala, koukám, ty ocenění zaslouženě-Tvůj blog je SUPER!!!!!!!!! Zdraví Nyka :)
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